

An SPU student works with elementary school children

Are you considering a career as an elementary school educator? 位于教育学院内, 这个项目是专门为有志于在小学(K-8)任教的个人设计的。. 如果您是SPU的本科生,并打算获得基础教育背书的住院教师证书, enrolling in this major is a mandatory step in fulfilling your academic requirements.



SPU长期以来一直是该州和地区首屈一指的教师培训项目之一. 教育学院提供从幼儿园到八年级的基础教育学士学位. 有了这个学位,你将准备在小学和中学的课堂上成为一名高效的教师.

You will be required to complete SPU’s General Education requirements, 基础教育专业要求, 以及其他认证要求. The elementary education major offers several distinctives that set it apart from other programs.


基础教育专业的学生有机会在广泛的教育环境中获得实践经验. This includes both urban and rural schools, as well as schools with diverse student populations. These field experiences provide valuable insights and help students develop adaptable teaching skills.

One of the standout features of this program is the year-long internship. 这种长时间的动手教学可以让学生完全沉浸在课堂环境中, gaining a deep understanding of the challenges and rewards of teaching elementary students.

The program boasts a faculty with expertise in a wide variety of areas, 包括特殊教育, 多语言学习者, and literacy. 这确保学生接受全面的培训,并为满足不同学习者的独特需求做好充分准备. 赌博十大靠谱软件的每位教师都拥有从幼儿园到八年级的丰富课堂教学经验, offering our students a rich repository of practical, 真实世界的洞察力和知识. 丰富的实践经验为赌博十大靠谱软件的学生在追求他们的教育之旅中提供了独特的优势.

The program’s small cohort size fosters a sense of community and belonging among students. This intimate learning environment allows for meaningful connections with professors and peers. 它还可以实现个性化的关注, ensuring that each student’s unique needs and goals are addressed.

The program places a strong emphasis on inclusive education, preparing students to work effectively with students from diverse backgrounds and abilities. 特殊教育, 多语言学习者, 识字是重点, ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to support all students in their classrooms.

Program Framework: Residency Teacher Certification Program

该计划的框架经过深思熟虑的设计,引导学生通过四个不同阶段的无缝进展, culminating in a well-prepared education and future career. From foundational knowledge acquisition to hands-on application, each stage equips students with the requisite skills and expertise, fostering their growth and readiness to be a successful educator. 这种结构化的方法不仅赋予了强大的理论基础,而且提供了在课堂上脱颖而出所需的现实世界的曝光和信心.


以K-8认证为目标的基础教育专业学生的教育基础课程是旨在提供对关键概念的广泛理解的基础课程, theories, and practical skills necessary for a successful career in teaching.

基础内容课程是以获得K-8认证为目标的基础教育专业学生课程的重要组成部分. 这些课程侧重于小学教师希望教给学生的特定主题和内容领域.

方法课程是以获得K-8认证为目标的基础教育专业课程的重要组成部分. 这些课程旨在为有抱负的教育工作者提供必要的实践知识和教学策略,以有效地指导和吸引不同学科和年级的学生.

以获得K-8认证为目标的基础教育专业学生的专业年实习是其培训的关键阶段. 实习提供了, 真实的教学经验,并作为学术课程和成为认证教师之间的桥梁.


基础教育专业有两个组成部分:教育基础和核心课程, and the Residency Teacher Certification requirements, which includes the professional year of the program.

Component I: 教育基金会 and Core Courses

Students take a total of 86 credits in the education foundations and core courses. These courses, 根植于教育基础, 使您能够在您将要教授的基本学科领域中开发广泛的内容知识, providing a solid pedagogical framework for effective classroom instruction. These courses simultaneously fulfill 30 credits required in SPU’s 研究性课程.

Component II: Residency Teacher Certification Program

Students will complete a year-long internship in their professional year in the program, which will include completing requirements for teacher certification. 未完成认证要求的学生将被要求转到基础教育:无认证专业或大学的其他专业.


K-8基础教育专业为学生提供了提高专业资格的机会,在他们的初级教学学位上增加了三个背书. 这些认可为教育工作者提供了专业技能和知识,可以显著丰富他们的教学能力,扩大他们的职业机会. Whether it's in the realm of special education, 多语言学习者, 或者阅读指导, these additional qualifications empower teachers to better meet the diverse needs of their students. Each endorsement brings unique insights and strategies to the table, 使教育工作者能够创造包容和有效的学习环境,同时提高他们在就业市场上的竞争力.



EDSP 3107 课堂上的卓越 3
EDSP 4642 个人教育项目 3
EDSP 4646 严重残疾 3
EDSP 4648 Teaching Students with Emotional and Behavior Disorders 3
EDSP 4651 特殊教育评估 3

15 credits



EDU 4210 Foundations of Bilingual/Multilingual Education 3
EDU 4215 教育语言学 3
EDU 4220 Methods of Teaching and Assessing Multilingual Learners 3

9 credits



EDU 4210 Foundations of Bilingual/Multilingual Education 3
EDU 4215 教育语言学 3

6 credits


Students may graduate with an Elementary Education major without seeking teacher certification. 如果你不想教书, 您不需要完成实习教师认证计划所需的方法或专业年限. 你将完成一个专门的顶点课程,而不是教育顶点课程和实习.


You may enter the Elementary Education major during your first quarter at SPU. Entrance after your first quarter requires only good academic standing (2.0或更高的SPU累积GPA). Consult the 本科目录 for complete information on how and when to enter and what you must do to complete the program.


You will be assigned an Education faculty advisor during your freshman year. Once you are admitted to the Elementary Education major, 在你决定核心课程的选课时,一定要与你的导师密切合作, 浓度, the teacher certification and Elementary Education endorsement requirements, 以及大学的毕业要求. 您还将与认证办公室密切合作,以确保您完成华盛顿州住院医师教学证书的所有州和项目要求.

如果你计划参加 留学项目, work with your advisor to determine the most appropriate quarter for such travel. This planning should be done during your freshman year if at all possible.


如果你是华盛顿州社区学院的转校生,持有直接转学协议(DTA)和基础教育专业相关课程(MRP)的副学士学位。, 您将被允许将学分转到SPU核心课程和基础教育专业的相应课程要求.

Use the 转学课程等效指南 to see how credit from other institutions will transfer to 好的赌博软件推荐.




Phone: 206-281-2439
Office: Peterson Hall 306

Faculty Chair

Krystle Jalalian-Chursky

Assistant Professor; Director of Undergraduate Teacher Education

Phone: 206-281-2365
Office: Peterson Hall 313


100多年来, the 教育学院 has been an integral part of SPU’s vision to prepare future educators. 探索这些里程碑 从过去到现在.

Did You Know?

Help IconThe SPU 教育学院 offers one-year alternative route teaching programs, including AMAT and AMTMS.